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EV fleet vehicle charging (perhaps at chargers installed under the Workplace Charging Scheme)
19 March 2024

Workplace Charging Scheme Explained

Scheme Overview

The Workplace Charging Scheme is a Government initiative that provides businesses with grants to help towards the costs of the purchase and installation of EV chargers.

The grant covers up to 75% of the total costs of EV chargers (inclusive of VAT), and is capped at:

  • £350 per socket
  • 40 sockets per applicant

Any business is eligible for the grants, needing only to fill out the application form online before getting in touch with an OZEV-approved installer nearby. You can find assistance in filling out this form on the Government website, or by contacting an installer directly and asking for guidance. 

The scheme is due to close on the 31st March 2025.

How is the Grant Applied? 

Once your application is approved, you'll be given a unique voucher code to passed on to your OZEV-approved installer. You can contact these installers yourself, or be referred to them by partner organisations. The installer will then deduct the value of the voucher from the total cost of the charge point installation.

Key things to note is that the voucher does expire after six months, and that the scheme can be applied for and used in conjunction with other grants such as the EV infrastructure grant for staff and fleets.

Recent Updates: Workplace Charging Scheme for Schools

The reason we're once again talking about the Workplace Charging Scheme is due to a recent update of the scheme to cover UK-based state-funded educational institutions.

The update will see the discounted limit for schools rise to £2,500 per socket, again covering up to 75% of the total costs. The limit remains at 40 chargers across all sites.

To navigate the application, schools will need to prove they have an existing or future need for EV chargers - which shouldn't be hard given the number of EVs on the road is over one million in the UK currently, and only expected to grow.

They will also need to have a site survey done by an EV installer who has confirmed the site can support EV charging, and that the site provides off-street parking.

Once again, the quickest and easiest way to apply for this grant is through the Government application form on their website. A common practice for this is to fill out the form with the help of an approved OZEV installer.

The Benefits of EV Charging at Schools

Bringing EV charging to your educational institution offers a unique educational opportunity.

With the future generations being key in our sustainability drive, installing chargers on your school site allows them to learn firsthand the practical side of green initiatives, as well as opening their eyes to broader issues.

Beyond that, adding EV charging options boosts your school's green credentials and keeps organisations in step with broader Government objectives in encouraging the adoption of sustainable transportation methods.

If you’re an organisation, educational or otherwise, and you’re looking to get EV chargers installed at your site, get in touch below or check out our full grant guide for local authorities and businesses for more.

Make the most of the grant today